Glass Partitions Ireland – Policies

Health & Safety

At Glass Partitions Ireland we believe that everyone who works on or visits our sites has a right to return home each day unharmed.

Our safety policy is designed to meet the requirement of the Health & Safety Authority and current legislation. Our policy is set out in our company safety statement and is implemented through:

– Our safety file system

– Regular safety inspections & audits

– Well maintained and regularly inspected plant and equipment

– Clean and orderly sites

– Staff training


At Glass Partitions Ireland, quality is important to us. We have a carefully developed Quality Assurance Plan which is the template we use to manage every project and it ensures that all our projects are delivered to a consistently high standard.

Glass Partitions Ireland – Policies change to keep up to date with the latest regulations and customer needs. Please check back from time to time for updates.

Glass Partitions Ireland - Policies map of Ireland with Glass Partitions Ireland logo inset

QA Plan

A detailed quote is issued for every project. This gives our clients the comfort of knowing exactly what is included in their project and allows tight control of budget

Prior to starting each project we issue a detailed programme of works. This allows our clients plan their activities around the project and it ensures Glass Partitions Ireland is in the best position to track and deliver our projects on time.   

From the programme of works we develop a procurement schedule to ensure we have all required resources and materials available to the project when required.

An Information Required Schedule is issued to clients and design team prior to starting on site. This schedule outlines all the information we required to complete the project. All items are listed in order of priority and included are dates when the information is needed. Our clients know from the start when and what decisions need to be made during the project and this pre-planning eliminates the stress caused by having to make rushed decisions.

Project specific training schedule ensure our staff are given the knowledge and training required to complete any specialist items and installations.

Off site inspection schedule allows Glass Partitions Ireland monitor the quality and progress of items being manufactured off site.

On site testing schedule allows us monitor the standard or the products being installed to our projects

Protection of finished work schedule: Ensures completed work is protected as the project progresses

Defects action status report: This report allows us monitor any defects as the projects progresses to ensure all our clients are given a defects free project at handover

On completion we give our clients a handover manual for the project which contains, specifications and supplier contact details for the products we supplied along with operational and maintenance manuals.


The company policy on the environment forms a core part of how all projects are approached. The policy is based on compliance with current act and regulations. All of the projects are assessed and all environmental issues are included in the specific method statements prepared before the commencement of each project


Contact us



Phone: +353 1 8278980


+353 86 8594576


Glass Partitions Ireland,
14 Castleknock Rise,
Castleknock, Dublin 15.

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